Gonubie Lions Craft Market
22 Feb. MARKET: Gonubie Lions Craft Market held at Kingsmall from 9am to 1pm. Contact: 082 924 6217.
22 Feb. MARKET: Gonubie Lions Craft Market held at Kingsmall from 9am to 1pm. Contact: 082 924 6217.
21 March: Human Rights Day
28 March. Schools close for term 1
8 Apr. School open term 2
18 Apr. Good Friday
21 Apr. Family Day
27-30 Apr. Freedom Day (28 April Public Holiday; 29-30 April special School Holiday)
1-2 May. Worker's Day (2 May special School Holiday)
11 May. Mother's Day
15 Jun. Father's Day
16 Jun. Youth Day
27 Jun. Schools close term 2