Round Table 103 Market
29 March. MARKET: Round Table 103 Market at Stutterheim Country Club Fields from 10am to 6pm. Cash bar, live music, bull riding and more. Contact: 065 747 9213.
29 March. MARKET: Round Table 103 Market at Stutterheim Country Club Fields from 10am to 6pm. Cash bar, live music, bull riding and more. Contact: 065 747 9213.
29 March. Summer Festival at Wingspark Airfield, N6 from 10am. Beer festival, Third Degree & John Lawrie, family fun day, stalls, L'Avion Function Expo and more. R50 entry, kids u12 free. Contact: 082 659 8104.
3 Apr. MOTORCYCLING: Black Rock Rally 2025 from Gonubie Hotel at 11am. Contact: 083 250 4479.
8 Apr. School open term 2
10-12 Apr. Clarendon High School presents Beauty & the Beast at the Guild Theatre from 6pm. Matinee 12 April from 2pm. Book at Computicket.
11 Apr. GOLF: Nahoon Methodist Church Golf Day Fundraiser at EL Golf Club from 12noon. R2200 per 4 ball. Contact: 083 468 0820.
18 Apr. Good Friday
21 Apr. Family Day
27-30 Apr. Freedom Day (28 April Public Holiday; 29-30 April special School Holiday)
1-2 May. Worker's Day (2 May special School Holiday)
11 May. Mother's Day
24 May. MARKET: Turquoise for the Elderly Food & Fun Festival at Kennersley Park (104 Bonza Bay Road). Walk from 8am to 10am (wear turquoise and walk around the cottage gardens) market from 10am to 3pm. R5 entry. Stalls, fun walk, music, food, activities and art. Contact: 072 736 6130.