6 Apr. Snake Awareness: First Aid for snakebites, venomous snake handling at Thistlewoods from 9.30am to 4.30pm. Keen on learning more about snakes? How to identify them. What to do in encounters and how to safely remove and relocate them? Join the African Snakebite Institute, for an education filled day, where we will be discussing snake awareness, biology and behavior, myths, identification, basic first aid for snakebite, scorpion sting and spider bite, as well as medical treatment of snakebite. Delegates then go on to complete a practical snake handling session, where we teach them the safest protocols for safe snake removal. Snakes used for the handling session vary but we usually make use of the following species: Puff Adder, Snouted Cobra, Cape Cobra and Rinkhals. Email us on courses@asiorg.co.za for more information. Tickets: https://www.africansnakebiteinstitute.com/
Snake Awareness: First Aid for snakebites, venomous snake handling