Border Historical Society Talk: Alan Weyer: Spirits of the Past

16 Nov. The East London Museum and the Border Historical Society are privileged to jointly present a talk by well known local historian, tour guide and public figure Alan Weyer on Spirits of the Past from 2.30pm at MCL Hall at the EL Museum. The history of the Eastern Cape frontier may evoke different interpretations, but what cannot be disputed is that it involves the ancestors of people from all over the world. The confluence of African and European cultures which took place in this region shaped modern South Africa. The mounting pressure from colonial expansion was resisted for over 100 years by the Xhosa people, putting them at the forefront of African resistance and underlining their prominence in South African politics today. A nominal entrance fee of R50 will be charged to help cover expenses. There will be time for questions after the talk. All are welcome to attend. Tea and coffee will be served after the talk. Contact: Gordon 083 284 6173 | Lorraine 083 381 2667 | William 083 325 9600.